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B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot


With Halloween approaching we thought you all might like this homage to B-Horror flicks! The creepy entrancing Anna Calavera looks perfect and the talented photographer Anna Lucylle Taschini caputred the horror feel perfectly. Here is what the photographer had to say say about the shoot..

"The concept was born out of my love for golden era horror movies: my mother loves the genre so I basically grew up doing huge Hammer and Corman marathons with her. Also, a key point of my summer holidays was the weekly horror movie feature on television featuring extremely corny and low budget horror flicks. The location was chosen as a homage to "Children of the Corn" (I used to live in a rural city surrounded by corn fields, so those movies rang a bell with me) while the styling of the model is taken from the sixties movie "Village of the damned" and its creepy white haired children.

Having a location and model set, I wanted to tell a story with the photos, starting with the fictional poster of the movie: I imagined it was a low budget sequel, complete with cheesy lettering and featuring more blood than actually is shown elsewhere, as they usually do in movies like that!"

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

B Movie Homage Photoshoot

Model: Anna Calavera

Photographer: Anna Lucylle Taschini

Assistant: Francesco Tosi

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October 26 2012

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